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Tag Archive: Strategy

Strategy to succeed in The Real Estate

It is good from time to time to know where we are standing on and read the pulse of your real estate development company. Make sure you ask your team to assess the skills that you have. We can benchmark on the strategy of SWOT What SWOT stands for? • Strength • Weaknesses • Opportunities • Threats The SWOT analysis is important to understand the internal and external variables on which your company is doing great and where it is not doing so great. Internal perspective Strengths understand what your company is valuable for; understand what is your company superior

How to make your real estate development a success?

This blog will help you succeed when addressing the real market of your future real estate developments, in the past decades the real estate market has mostly being in a constant rush but we start to see more and more some of the new buildings revaluating their values and the rents are if not growing but maintaining the same prices or even reducing its price. To understand part of this problem please think what has happened in the real estate market lately, developers have been doing what they do the best which is building and constructing what they know how

How to increase the value of your real estate?

The next blog is dedicated to getting you some clues for not just keeping but increasing the value of your real estate developments, it is inspired by some of the developers which are complaining about the real estate economy and how some new real estate developments are losing their value. Look for the market in the area. Some real estate developers sometimes forget that people are not moving into a unit or a house, people are moving into a new lifestyle and a community, so next time you find a piece of land thing what that land is offering to

Millennials and the Real Estate Developments.

Millennial nowadays is a typical word that more and more we start hearing on the new market trends. So we will talk about these groups and the implication for a Real Estate Developments who wishes to tackle this group. Let’s start by mentioning what is considered a millennial, well it is a group of people defined as those born in 1982 and approximately the 20 years thereafter.” In 2012, they affixed the endpoint as 2004. (According to Neil Howe and William Strauss). Today most of them are in the age of the mid 30´s and teenagers which is very likely

Option land! Tips to successfully make wealth.

What is the option land and how it works to grow your developing company? Some of the medium major developers have secured their steady growth through options to purchase a land through a convey for the right piece of property. An option agreement is when a Developer reaches a landowner and they both make an agreement over the piece of land. One of the agreements could be to grant to the developer the exclusive right for a defined period of time to buy a property usually at a fixed price. This agreement usually implicates a fee payment to secure the

You are blindfolded that’s why your sales are not working.

One of the questions any real estate developer should answer when we start working with them is if they have invested in any digital marketing strategy, the answer sounds is always like a proud father of his child, “of course we have made a Facebook profile, a google plus account and Instagram”. If this is what you had in mind let me tell you that you are a blind. To explain why this is a mistake, most of the people looks at the digital marketing as a seller (you might also be thinking and why not at the end you


Buy land, they're not making it anymore.
Mark Twain Writer
Some people look for a beautiful place, others make a place beautiful.
Hazrat Inayat Khan Philosopher
People nowadays understand that online working reduces costs and brings results, which is value for our money.
Thomas Aquinas

Do you need to sell your real estate development faster?